The 加勒比研究中心 is interested in highlighting scholarship and teaching related to building critical understandings of the Greater Caribbean Region throughout a range of departments at Trinity.


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分布要求: 符合社会科学和全球要求

课程描述: An island uniquely characterized by a liminal political status and a dominant stateside diaspora, 美国.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has been the subject of renewed national attention in the wake of the devastating 2017 Hurricane María and the 2019 “Verano Boricua” which saw the ousting of the governor, 里卡多Rossello. This course interrogates 波多黎各 culture on its own terms – shifting from traditional definitions of identity formation to contemporary critiques centering historically marginalized communities amidst ongoing climate and economic precarity. 学生将动手分析各种(非)物质文化产品, 起源于岛上和美国的侨民. 学生们将与波多黎各文化工作者一起发展新的文化, 对岛屿文化遗产及其未来的批判性理解.


教练(s)DiVietro, Susan

分布要求: 符合社会科学要求

课程描述本课程探讨加勒比地区妇女的多样化生活. We will begin with feminist theories of women and power and trace how those understandings have emerged and changed over time. We will use ethnographies to examine women’s lives in both historical and contemporary Caribbean settings and explore major theoretical approaches in feminist and Caribbean anthropology. 我们将分析女性的经历是如何被多种力量塑造的, 包括奴隶制和奴隶解放, 生育能力和母性的建构, 性别与暴力, 种族和身份, 旅游与性工作, 疾病和贫穷, 全球化, 和劳动.

FYSM 165-01-故事地图殖民


分布要求: 满足第一年的研讨会要求

课程描述: 当前的故事映射程序使人们能够构建结合文本的数字叙事, 图片, video, 图表, 图, 等. 本次研讨会的重点是加勒比地区殖民主义的故事映射. 学生将首先熟悉加勒比地区殖民主义的一般历史. 学生们会, 个人或团队, focus on a particular Caribbean society with the aim of constructing related story maps narrating the relevant history of European colonization of that society. The seminar does not require any prior experience with story mapping utilities or any prior study of colonialism or 加勒比海.



分布要求: 满足第一年的研讨会要求

课程描述本课程提供了构成加勒比社会的复杂性和细微差别的基础, with a special focus on Puerto Rico and its unique status as an unincorporated territory of 美国nited States. 我们将通过历史的镜头来看待波多黎各和加勒比地区, 文化生产, 科学进步. We will challenge established stereotypes about 加勒比海 and gain understandings of the present-day Caribbean and its diaspora. 我们将审议将大加勒比区域联系在一起的共同之处. 课程将包括演讲嘉宾和实践工作坊. 该课程将与加勒比研究中心合作教授.

了解拉丁美洲 & 加勒比海

老师: Euraque,达里奥


课程描述: This interdisciplinary course explores major historical themes and contemporary cultural and political topics related to Latin American and Caribbean 社会 and cultures. The goal is to give students a panoramic view of Latin America and 加勒比海 and to introduce them to various issues that are explored more deeply in upper-division courses. 我们将讨论人口和地理问题, 基本的历史时期和进程, 特别的人类学和文化辩论, 基本的政治和性别问题, 日常生活的社会学方法, 审美和文学运动, 以及这些地区在历史和当代世界经济中的地位.


老师: Aponte-Aviles, 援助ali

分布要求: 符合人文和全球要求

课程描述: This course seeks to place Trinity students in active and informed dialogue with the 哈特福德 region’s large and diverse set of Spanish-speaking communities. 本课程将帮助学生认识和分析不同的民族历史.g. 秘鲁, 波多黎各, 智利, 洪都拉斯, 古巴, 哥伦比亚, and Mexican) which have contributed to the Hispanic diaspora in the city and the entire northeastern region of 美国nited States. Students will undertake field projects designed to look at the effects of transnational migration on urban culture, 制度建设, 以及身份的形成.


 老师: Galm,埃里克


课程描述重点是对巴西桑巴击鼓传统的学习和表现. 相关的音乐风格和音乐流派也包括在内. 以前的性能经验是不需要的, 学生可以选修这门课程超过一个学期. 经导师许可成为会员. 也列在国际研究-拉丁美洲和加勒比.


 老师: 特,普里西拉

分布要求: 符合人文和全球要求

课程描述通过对电影的研究, 文学作品, 和西班牙加勒比海地区(古巴)的音乐, 多米尼加共和国, 波多黎各),这门课程探讨了植根于反对奴隶制斗争的主要政治概念, 种族主义和殖民主义给加勒比地区带来了认同感. The course (conducted in Spanish) analyzes this region’s artistic production from the early part of the twentieth century 直到现在 helping students understand the cultural, 社会, 政治上的挑战, 挫折, and triumphs of the Hispanic Caribbean connecting its complex realities with the experience of populations of Caribbean origin in 哈特福德, CT.




 课程描述: 第一次相遇的地点, 征服, 以及欧洲人对美洲原住民的殖民统治, 加勒比地区成为欧洲列强之间激烈竞争的中心, 后来在20世纪出现了新的, 这里是美国帝国主义攻势的首演地点. The Caribbean’s strategic location in relation to Atlantic Ocean trade routes and its tropical climate and fertile soils were key factors in shaping these imperial rivalries and the colonial and postcolonial 社会 that emerged in the region. 本课程将向学生介绍这些和加勒比历史的其他方面, 来自前欧洲时代, 经历了史诗般的海地革命(1791-1804)和1959年的古巴革命, 直到现在.

HIST-256-01-拉丁美洲的人权 & 加勒比海

老师: Euraque,达里奥

 分布要求: 符合人文和全球要求

课程描述在20世纪70年代和80年代, 数千人“失踪”,“在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区被折磨和谋杀, 主要是军事政权和准军事敢死队所为. The period is often characterized as perhaps the lowest point in the modern abuse of “Human Rights” in the region. This course explores how these central notions and human rights have evolved in theory and in practice in the history of the Americas.




课程描述: 这门课程考察历史, 社会, 以及今天被称为拉丁美洲的各个地区的文化. 课程从主要的前哥伦布文明开始, 通过欧洲和这些民族的第一次相遇, 随后的征服和殖民, 以及对独立的渴望的最初表现. The course will concentrate specifically on how the peoples of these various regions and periods explored their 社会 and political concerns through art, 文学, 和音乐.



分布要求: 符合社会科学要求

课程描述: 这门课程考察政治发展的过程, 二十世纪和十九世纪发生在拉丁美洲的经济和社会变革. 主题包括:民粹主义的兴起和进口替代的工业化, 革命和革命运动, 军事统治的原因和后果, 经济改革的政治, 民主转型, 大宗商品繁荣, 然后左转. For each topic we will review classic political science theories and critically evaluate their applicability to Latin American countries. We will also discuss the lessons that can be drawn from Latin American cases for the study of these topics in the rest of the world.



 分布要求: 符合人文学科要求

课程描述: We will examine the emergence and evolution of urban political activism by Latinas and Latinos in 美国nited States from the early 1900s 直到现在. 我们将从美国的影响开始.帝国扩张与殖民主义(1848年至今), 然后追踪泛拉丁裔身份的出现以及拉丁裔之间的政治联盟, 非裔美国人, 以及其他种族群体. 主题包括以下城市政治表现:民权运动, 劳动, 还有学生运动, 争取性别和性解放, 移民政策, 公民身份, 投票权, 选举代表, 文化公民身份, 城市更新, 中产阶级化, 还有“进入城市的权利”.” This course explores various cities that had interaction of political activism with urban policy and planning to consider equitable alternatives in the past and present.


 老师: 加布里埃尔·萨尔加多

分布要求: 符合社会科学和全球要求

课程描述: This course focuses on the major concepts which have shaped dominant understandings of race in Latin America throughout the 20th century: mestizaje, the interpretation of Latin American racial identity as one of mixture; indigenismo, the emphasis on indigeneity as constitutive of racial identity in Latin America; and racial democracy, the argument that higher rates of miscegenation in Latin America (particularly Brazil) reflected a history of harmonious race relations. 除了这三个概念, we will survey current issues related to race in the region such as the production of new sets of rights for Indigenous peoples and movements for the recognition of Afro-Latin American peoples.